From the author
The publication of two of my children’s books, Melly and the Bilby and Yoshio and the Magic Bowl, has been a long labour of love for my family and me. Both stories were written during my long career as an educator and were developed in cooperation with classes of students.
Both titles are available as both hard copies and e-books. Some additional resources can be downloaded for educators. I am available to come and do author visits to schools in South east Queensland by arrangement. These may include writing workshops and illustration sessions.

Zela with Melly and the Bilby co-authored with Kullili knowledge-holder Stephen Hagan
Available titles
Melly and the Bilby
When Melly’s cat Jason brings home a tiny grey animal, she thinks it is a mouse. But Auntie Ruby declares the little creature is a bilby. And the baby bilby is still alive! In nursing her bilby back to health, Melly becomes fascinated by the elusive bilby, a harmless Australian marsupial desperately in need of human friends.

Yoshio and the Magic Bowl
After eating rice from an enchanted bowl, a young Japanese boy is transported back through time to ancient Kyoto. He has many adventures as he wanders through the samurai city with his pet cat. But will he ever be able to return to his own time?