
Making Bunya Paper

I have had numerous requests lately for the instructions on how to make paper from Bunya.  The parts I use are what Auntie Beverly Hand, Kabi Kabi elder and bunya advocate, calls the shuckings. The shuckings are the parts we peel off when we get the kernel out of a bunya cone. Now I’m going to explain that papermaking is […]
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A few anecdotes, some advice and a word we need to know.  Myth Number #1: Raw untreated Bunyas are poisonous It was the year 2011. I entered the staffroom early and placed a large Bunya cone smack bang in the middle of the staff room table where all the teachers came to eat their morning teas and lunches.  Then I […]
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Plants and paper, a dialogue with season and nature

Apart from art-making, my other great passion is my organic garden. I trained as a permaculture designer when my daughter was small and I have never lost the love of growing my own food. As the seasons progressed I noticed that at times in the garden there are a lot of stalky prunings and trimmings. When the lemongrass plant dies […]
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Women Walking Wallum

Zela Bissett looks back on the origins of a groundbreaking exhibition at Gympie Regional Gallery and a robust tradition of interdisciplinary arts/since/activism which underpins it. In August 2019, a group of regional artists from the wildflower regions of South east Queensland met for a weekend of walking, talking and art-making. This weekend was enriched by the guidance of Butchulla Knowledge-holder […]
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Tutorials are live!

As I mentioned in my previous post, my daughter-in-law Clare and I have been working on a series of video tutorials to teach some of the earth-friendly fibre arts I practise at Papernicus Fine Art Studio. The intention is to help people, especially when confined at home, to do some satisfying artistic projects. We have now loaded 4 videos, which […]
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more detail on Plants

Recently I posted an offer to supply plants and seeds to people wanting to grow food and unable to buy seeds or seedlings. I add here the details about many of the plants I can supply, as they are sometimes unusual or not well known. Sadly the pics have not come through I will try to fix this soon.  Ceylon […]
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Gympie Garden expo April 27

This year’s Gympie Garden Expo has been brought forward into April! Saturday April 27 is the date to mark. In previous years I have done a range of activities: last year it was papermaking with garden clippings and prunings, the previous year a panel partnership with Uncle Eugene Bargo, a knowledgeable Indigenous florist. This year I have offered a workshop […]
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Bunya – a seasonal blessing

Some years ago, while working at a large local primary school, I placed a large bunya cone on the staff room table and listened to the ensuing conversations. “What’s that?” asked one person. “it’s a kind of bush tucker,” said her companion. ”But they are really poisonous. You have to soak them in running water for three weeks before it […]
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Relish – Festival of food and art

I am really happy to be going north to my original home town, Maryborough, this coming weekend (June 2 – 3) for the annual Relish Festival. The lovely Trevor, from Gatakers Artspace has invited me back for another day of bringing paper making to the public. Last year we introduced a lovely group of people from France to paper-making, as […]
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Upcoming Workshops and Exhibition

Some dates for the calendar: Workshops & public appearances: Saturday June 3 Workshop at Maryborough Relish Festival Theme: Making paper from edibles The paper-making vats will be filled with by-products from creating delicious treats for the Relish Festival: See what you can make with offcuts, peelings and a few petals! Hands-on papermaking with a tasty twist! Sunday June 25 Studio […]
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